European Comics have their own characteristics campared to
American Comics and Japanese Manga. Especially France and Belgium produce many
comics and have their own name “Bande
dessinée” or “Bédé”,
like America has the name Comic Strips and Japan has Manga. For the style, Bédé is mainly created by one artist unlike
Manga artists work with their assistants, but sometimes the Bédé artists divide
their roles with art and story.
Unlike the Comic Strips and
Manga, the European comics more focus on arts and because of that, an auteurism
can be easily found in the European comics. An auteur defines an artist who
takes control over all features of synergic creative works. An auteurism
insists that the originality and characteristics of artists must be clearly
shown in their works. Now it is regarded as a commonsense but even during the mid
twentieth century it was not.
One of the great European comic
artists is Jean Giraud, whose pen name is Moebius. Since his comics got
published, many artists in Europe, America, and even Asia were influenced
around 1970s and 1980s, and Jean Giraud became known as the best Sci-Fi
artists. The main reason I think that he got acknowledged is because he
embraced various styles and worlds from other artists and reapplied them to his
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